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Hi – welcome from Anil Mitra, author of The Way of Being, © since 1986, and creator of this site  ˘  I invite you to share in The Way  ˘  Contact me here.

A short story of my life for the way of being

This brief biography focuses on the development of the way. The way has been developing since 1986. In 2002, my understanding grew from our world and cosmos and its science and philosophy to the entire universe and its metaphysics.

My interests include the entire range of knowledge and experience, especially science and philosophy, for one does not know in advance what will be useful. My initial interest was in the excitement of the disciplines in themselves and as gateway to the world. Later, as my understanding became reflexive, i.e., ‘meta-understanding’, an unanticipated self-foundation of thought and being emerged.

Activities that have contributed to way include an education, teaching, and research in engineering, physics, and applied mathematics; work in mental health; contact with the natural world in wilderness backpacking, exploring the real and symbolic aspects of the human search for meaning.

The story is complemented by reading in the history of thought, supplemented by reflection, analysis, and action. Here, I do not recount that history, but provide the following links—the metaphysics and the ‘little manual’ provide accounts of the history; sources are in main influences, reading, bibliographies, useful links, a system of human knowledge and supplement, a history of western philosophy, and evolution and design. Also see the resources for this site.

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