ANIL MITRA, © June 2014

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The main objectives are (a) to develop the symbol-concept-object concept of meaning, (b) to show its significance in that concept-object is essential to meaning and symbol introduces compactness and the efficiency of abstraction, (b) to show the significance of this concept for clarity and paradox resolution, and (c) to show how it may be used to uncover meaning, and (d) to show how its extension to include synthesis is the foundation of method (for knowledge), and (e) to show that the extension of this method from meaning to being is foundation for realization.

Develop the following material


See meaning and method.

This continues discussion of being and experience but it may be effective to treat it separately. See the section of the same name in the


The topics of extended discussion are as follows. The idea of the object is introduced as continuous with the concept of meaning. The abstract-concrete divide can be introduced at outset in terms of free conceptual (‘rational’) versus perceptual (‘empirical’) objects. The range of concrete ‘objects’ is greater than usually acknowledged and this is clarified from the notion of ‘being’. Paradox and clarity issues are already discussed in meaning. The distinction of ‘being’ vs. ‘beings’ and of objects in and not in extensivity can be shown to dissolve. All this can be brought together after the universal metaphysics has been developed.