Codes are as follows: A/s - A is a short article A/l - A is a long article A/d - A is a dictionary article A/p - A is a propaedia reference A/pl - A is a propaedia list reference A/toc - A is a table of contents reference A/r - A is a reference without context [used for brevity] ... - Indicates an abbreviation Note: the propaedia list is a bookmark of links - arranged according to the structure of the propaedia - to all 717 macropaedia or long articles. The link to this bookmark is "Propaedia List" on the Britannica 97 home page. Compound codes are of the form: A/*/B where: * = one of s, l, d, p, or pl A = a topic or article name B = a topic if A is an article or an article if A is a topic