Why I want counseling 1. Noticeable increase in anxiety, may be a little depression since March 2020 It seems to be getting worse and this a real worry. Possible sources— Meds Ageing Caffeine Alcohol 2. I think I have always been oversensitive to others’ judgment. Possible sources— Biology Hypercritical, belittling dad Erroneous thinking 3. These two factors have been negatively impacting my enjoyment and productivity. 4. I am interested in community resources for housing. 1. Open to ideas. 2. Goals for counseling—tools-e.g., specifically to deal with too much sensitivity to others judgment and generally for anxiety, integrity (‘togetherness of self’), define focus for goals, consider circumstances under which meds (anti-depressants) would be indicated 3. I could probably benefit from therapy, but think this may be an option for the future. |