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All elements incorporated elsewhere. Maintained only for its interest.


11.22.2023 – Day 1

A novel

§  Suggested by Herman Hesse’s Magister Ludi

§  The story—my story, search for ultimate, finding the ultimate, problem of action, search in a range of cultures, finding a person at the intersection of modern and primal life—they are already living in the ultimate

§  Our culture educates such knowledge out of us in favor of subservience to power in the immediate

§  True knowledge is encouraged by living at the intersection of two or more cultures

Becoming dry at home

§  A program

Five hours of hiking today

11.23 – Day 2

Word ‘trip’?

What is f?

Define photography projects – wilderness, town, people…

11.25 – Day 4


‘Using map and compass’ to include a diagram of a compass

Solo wilderness travel

§  ‘Fractures’ > ‘Fractures and wounds’

§  Enhance med kit, first aid

§  Sprains: change ‘old’ to ‘cold’

§  Add ‘altitude’

The way – short version – changes

§  Shorten main sections, add ‘meaning’ to ‘guide’

§  ‘A being’ = the being

§  Possibility

§  Understanding

§  Understanding the way of being

Seek, coin a pan-cultural term for yoga

Comments on ‘Being’, ‘Universe’ (everything), ‘void’, ‘beings’, ‘abstraction’, ‘ideal’ = ‘ideal system’, ‘God’ (add quotes) and ‘Peak’, ‘experience’

§  P.12 .1‘That is quite untrue’ – eliminate ‘quite’ or replace it by ‘manifestly’ or ‘essentially’

§  P.12 .2 ‘A formula’ > ‘Formula’

§  P.5 .2, Number the points in the final paragraph

§  Existence of a hypothetical being may be ruled out (i) by the structure of the hypothesis (concept) itself (ii) conflict between the hypothesis and the real – local or all

If not ruled out by i, the hypothesis is coherent or logical. If not ruled out as in ii the hypothesis is real (give examples, e.g., physical…)

If a hypothesis is real, it must be coherent; if coherent it does not seem that it must be real, but the fundamental principle shows it to be so

In the main part, replace ‘logic’ by ‘coherence’ and put most of the discussion in ‘understanding’

§  P.2 ‘Origins’ some continuity with, some elements from tradition, but there is newness to (i) elements (ii) system and its ultimates (iii) demonstration (iv) insight: the real (iv) doubt and its address.

§  P.2 .1 ‘That is, the best we know…’ > ‘That is, with some reflection, the best we know…’

§  P.11 .3 ‘Suppress’ = ‘Suppress, distort, or do not acknowledge’ | ‘Distinctions’ = ‘Important distinctions

§  P.6 .1 The left indent for the toc should be 0’, and—should the toc have page numbers

§  P.5 .2 ‘Both address…’

(i) address…

(ii) aware and active waiting

(iii) moving forward | toward realization

§  Should there be fewer page # references and how should they be formatted

§  Should resources come at the beginning of the guide

§  Should small capitals be smaller by 0.5 pt?